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Category: Forensic Toxicology

Narcopouch Tests – Drug Testing Made Easy

A narcopouch test is a presumptive test designed to identify illegal substances. After analysis, a presumptive test will tell you one of two things. It is definitely not a certain substance or the sample is probably the suspected substance. Similar to a portable chemistry lab, narcopouch tests are self-contained, providing…

The Pros and Cons of Sweat Patches For Drug Testing

The use of sweat patches as a method of drug testing is a relatively new development in the field of forensic toxicology. Sweat patch drug testing is becoming increasingly popular among employers screening employees and job applicants for drug use, although sweat patches are typically used to monitor persons on…

Forensic Toxicology: The Accuracy of Drug and Driving Impairment Measures

Within the field of forensic toxicology, studies can be done on the effect of drug consumption on driving abilities, in order to measure impairment levels. The extent of scientific study on the relationship between drugs and driving impairment is increasing and vast, however, much more research needs to be done!…

What Causes a False Positive Drug Test Result

Drug screening results can really affect the lives and circumstances of those it involves. Accuracy in how these drug tests are carried out is of high importance as the results can have long lasting consequences for the individuals involved. False positive drug test results are a real possibility in today’s…

The Accuracy of Alcohol Testing

In the United States of America, a blood alcohol concentrate (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, is considered illegal if you are behind the wheel of a vehicle. Alcohol testing is used to determine if the BAC level is above the legal limits. Main Methods Of Alcohol Testing There are three…

Forensic Toxicology: How Drugs Affect Driving

In many criminal investigations it may be that analytical information is needed or testing required regarding the presence of substances at a crime scene or within a person’s body. This is the purpose of forensic toxicology: to test bodily fluids or other substances for toxic chemicals in order to obtain…

How Doses Influence Drug Toxicology: Pharmacodynamics

Studying the effects drugs have on the body, known as pharmacodynamics, is particularly important to drug toxicologists. In this next article of our Drug Driving series, a drug toxicologist will explain everything you need to know about what drugs do to your body. What Does Pharmacodynamics Mean? Unlike the study…

How Does Pharmacokinetics Influence Drug Toxicology

In this installment of our series on drug driving, we will be investigating the study of pharmacokinetics and how it is used during the drug toxicology process. What Does Pharmacokinetics Mean? Pharmacokinetics is a subcategory of pharmacology that is interested in what the body does to drugs. Like germs or…

How Do Drug Toxicologists Use Pharmacology?

Driving under the influence of drugs is a criminal offence. Often, drug toxicologists are required to use their knowledge of pharmacology to find out what drugs an impaired driver took, as well as the properties and reactions of the drugs. What Is Pharmacology? Pharmacology is often incorrectly used as a…

Drug Trends And Prevalence

Drug trends are strangely similar to fashion trends, with certain drugs being more popular at different times than others (for example increased methamphetamine use of the west coast, while more prevalent oxycodone use on the east coast), experimentation with newer designer drugs and periods of increased abuse. In this chapter,…

What Are Police Field Drug Test Kits

Police Field Drug Test Kits are similar to instant soup; each different drug has its own pre-prepared sachet, all that the officer has to do is to add a small sample of the drug in question to the bag, break the two phials inside and look for a color change….

The Reliability Of Gunshot Residue

Gunshot Residue (GSR) or Firearm Discharge Residue (FDR) is the technical term used for particles that are deposited on the body and clothing of a person who discharges a firearm. It can also be found on surfaces nearby the location of the discharge such as walls or floors. Gunshot residue…

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