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Category: Forensic Toxicology

Forensic Toxicologist Thoughts On New Protocols For Drug Testing

Forensic toxicologists all over the country are tasked with testing evidence collected from all of the crime scenes that law enforcement personnel investigate. This testing includes drug evidence from every crime scene imaginable, from homicides to simple traffic citations for drug possession charges. Defendants, attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement rely…

Various Types Of DUI Alcohol Testing

In the state of Los Angeles, driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or other intoxicants, such as drugs, is considered a criminal offence. However, in order to prosecute someone or charge someone for DUI, you need to prove that the person was actually impaired while driving. There are different…

How Drug Testing Keeps It Fresh

With the advent of synthetic and designer drugs, testing for illicit substances has become more complicated. Black market laboratories are far more high-tech than they used to be, and law enforcement are hard-pressed to keep up with all the new drugs on the market. It is increasingly important for drug…

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology is an academic journal that claims to bridge the divide between the legal aspects of pharmacology and toxicology, and the science between these subjects. Although it does publish articles that focus on the creation, interpretation and analysis of data derived from human and animal experiments, it…

How Does Death Affect Forensic Toxicology Findings

Forensic toxicology is used to determine what chemicals were ingested or present at a crime scene, including trace elements and residue. The forensic toxicologist’s findings determine what chemicals were present, and in what concentration, at the time of death. Determining what substances a person ingested, can be complicated by absorption,…

A Detailed Look At Forensic Pathology

Forensic pathology is an important and necessary function in the field of physiological science and crime scene investigations. What is the Role of a Forensic Pathologist? In the field of pathology, a forensic pathologist, commonly referred to as a medical examiner or coroner, is a trained physician whose role it…

Toxicology Lawyer Talks Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

With the recent legalization of recreational marijuana and medical marijuana in a handful of states, a common question has been raised amongst employees and employers: in states where marijuana has been legalized should it be allowed in the workplace? The answer to this question is not cut and dry, there…

The Legal Viability Of Over-The-Counter Drug Testing Kits

With the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana, there have been many discussions around the viability of drug testing at home and in the work place. According to the laws that govern drug testing in the state of California, there are clear guidelines by which employees, employers and other…

The Steps A Forensic Toxicologist Takes For Alcohol Testing

Before exploring the methods a forensic toxicologist uses to test for alcohol, it is important to understand what a forensic toxicologist is. Toxicology on its own is the study and identification of toxins and drugs in the human body and analyzing and quantifying the amounts of these substances. Forensics is…

The Reliability of Urine Testing

Many employers, schools, athletic associations and law enforcement agencies are conducting more frequent drug and alcohol testing. While there are many testing methods out there, the most commonly on-site drug test used is urine testing. Due to the nature of how urine testing is conducted and the manner in which…

The Legalities of Hospital Blood Testing

The legalities behind hospital blood testing have crept their way into the media several times. When a patient arrives at the hospital, there are certain conditions that need to be met in order for their blood to be tested. These conditions may vary from state to state. In many instances,…

Defining the Role of a Forensic Lawyer

Forensic lawyers are experts in both law and forensic science. The intersection of science and law has allowed for new tools and methodologies for discovering truth. Okorie Okorocha has served as an expert witness in over 280 trials. His role is to help juries understand complex, scientific concepts and to…

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Never Trust Ed Barley

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Simpson Rips Jones

Publishing Original Scientific Research In 1997, Dr. Simpson was searching the scientific literature on alcohol and discovered several irregularities in work by AW Jones. An article published by Jones and Neri [1] in 1991 stated that the experimental work was reported in an earlier article published by Kelly, Myrsten, Neri,…

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