Monthly Archives: April 2017

How Safe is Your Sample?
How safe is your sample when taken for hospital blood testing? Will your blood test be tampered with? Are lab staff and police trustworthy and responsible? Are professional and mechanical skill trustworthy counterparts when your blood test is in question? As seasoned professionals in this field we can tell…

The Frye Standard and You
Expert witnesses are invaluable additions to any given court case. They provide insight, can validate testimonies with scientific fact, and support or dispute cases based on this fact and their high levels of experience. Due to the heavy weight that expert testimony can hold in a court case, it’s understandable…

Drug Facilitated Crimes Series – Result Interpretation
Experts such as Okorie Okorocha are necessary professionals during drug facilitated crimes (DFCs). These include cases such as robbery and assault. DFCs have become more and more prevalent in society. This increase means that forensic toxicologists and expert witnesses are now more important than ever. Even just one facet of…